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Let's Work Together

Let your children know they are safe.
Younger Children may need extra hugs (as well as teens).
Go back to everyday routines.
Help your child get enough sleep, eat regularly, keep up with school, and spend time with friends.
Increase time with family and friends.
Children who get extra support from family and friends seem to do better after upsetting events. Try reading, playing sports or games or watching a movie together.
Allow children to talk about their feelings and worries if they want to.
Let them know that being a little scared and upset is normal. If they don't want to talk, they could write a story or draw a picture.
Take time to deal with your own feelings.
It will be harder to help your child if you are worried or upset. Talk about your feelings with other adults, such as family, friends, clergy, your doctor, or a therapist.
Keep in mind that people in the same family can react in different ways.
Remember your child's feelings and worries might be different from your. Brother and sisters can feel upset too.
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